Internships on Game Design and How They Kickstart Careers


Stepping into the world of game design is a thrilling journey. It’s a realm where creativity meets technology, and the results are gripping digital experiences that captivate millions. But where does one start? A game design internships is an excellent springboard.

Game Design Internships

Taking a step forward into the world of game design, one encounters a pivotal stage – the game design internship. These empowering internships are opportunities full of learning, experience, and glimpses of the real-life dynamics of the industry.

A game design internship serves as an educational experience, created to immerse its occupant into the world of game development. During these internships, budding designers get the opportunity to work alongside seasoned professionals. They tackle actual projects, undertake various game design tasks, and explore different components such as character development, storyline creation, and play mechanics. Through immersive, real-world scenarios, students learn about the complexities and nuances of the game design process, thus broadening their scope of skills and enhancing their industry knowledge.

Finding the Right Game Design Internship

Where to Look for Game Design Internships

To find game design internships, various platforms serve as resource pools. Job posting websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor often list opportunities in the gaming industry. Numerous universities and colleges provide access to internship boards for students seeking careers in game design. Industry-specific platforms, such as Gamasutra, provide the luxury of focused search. Additionally, game industry events, mixers, and conferences provide great networking opportunities, often leading to internships and job offerings.

Evaluating Internship Opportunities

When faced with multiple internship opportunities, careful selection becomes the key. Consider the reputation of a company, as internships with well-established firms often carry more weight in the industry. A solid learning program, mentorship availability, and the potential for professional growth are desirable factors. Check the job description for specific game design tasks, for instance, level designing, character modeling, and AI programming. The more relevant the tasks are to your career goals, the more beneficial the internship will be. Consider, too, the work environment and inquire about previous interns’ experiences. Payment terms and other benefits such as housing, transportation, or meals may also influence your decision. A comprehensive evaluation of these factors ensures you enter an enriching learning experience.

Success Stories: Game Design Internships

Experiences of Successful Game Design Interns

Robert Burns and Lisa Hamilton, two prominent names in the gaming industry, both kickstarted their careers with humble internships. For example, Robert Burns, the mastermind behind the popular game ‘Echoes of Eternity,’ undertook an internship at a local gaming studio while studying. He immersed himself completely in every task, developing characters and experimenting with new play mechanics. Insightful mentoring, along with rewarding challenges, fortified his understanding of the intricate industry and honed his game design abilities.

On the other hand, Lisa Hamilton, currently a lead designer for the well-recognized ‘Quest of Legends’ series, leveraged her internship at a renowned game development company to unlock her potential. Surrounded by industry veterans, she got hands-on experience in creating compelling game narratives.

How Internships Paved the Way for their Career

Robert and Lisa’s internships marked the genesis of their successful careers. Robert’s hands-on experience and gained expertise during his stint triggered an offer from the same studio after graduation. Starting as a Junior Game Designer, he slowly rose up the ranks, eventually landing the role of Game Director.

Lisa’s career trajectory, too, mirrors her accomplishments during her internship. Post-internship, she received an offer from a different gaming company that had recognized her talent. Beginning her journey as a game story writer, she gradually climbed the corporate ladder, ultimately occupying the position of Lead Game Designer.

Budding Game Designers

Game design internships are undisputedly a golden ticket for budding game designers. They’re the gateway to hands-on experience, deep learning, and priceless industry connections. Navigating the intricate world of game development becomes less daunting with the right internship, where character development and play mechanics are demystified. Choosing the right company is crucial, with factors like reputation, mentorship programs, and work environment playing a significant role.